On November 29 -30 th, Borgo Stajnbech will take part for the very first time to the Market of the Independent Winemakers, an interesting event organized by Fivi and dedeicated to the "handcrafted" wine.
Fivi (Italian Federation of the Independent Winemakers) is an association dedicated to the promotion and safeguard of those producers who believe in the value of a sincere and genuine wine, produced "in loco" whitout additives and sporting on the label what you can actually find in the bottle. A wine respecting the most intimate nature of this product, the environment and the consumers.
At the Market, taking place at the Piacenza's exhibition centre, it will be possible to taste, know and buy the wines of the associated producers.
As we feel very close to Fivi's values, we find this one a great chance to get in touch with companies doing something different from the "mass production"; winemaking with passion, love for viticulture and dedication to those people who love to find in the glass a living, honest and good wine.
To learn more about Fivi, you can click on www.fivi.it
Adriana and Giuliano